Nous Blink and support for it have been discontinued and no more units are available for sale.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions, if there are any questions that you think are missing, please contact us at

Nous Headset

My headset causes me pain, what should I do?

  • Your headset might be in a slightly uncomfortable position. Try repositioning the device on your head to see if is any more comfortable.
  • If you’re still experiencing pain, please contact us with the specific details of the pain you're experiencing. It may mean that we need to replace your device with one that is better suited to your needs.

Does the headset come in different sizes?

  • Not currently, but if it is too big, you can use a clip to adjust the size to your head. Alternatively, if you have purchased the headset, you can sew it to a smaller size.

On average, how long can people use a headset before it gets uncomfortable?

  • From our experience, people can usually wear a device for 1-2 hours before experiencing any discomfort. Not everyone finds the headsets uncomfortable, but if you do, we would recommend a 15 minute break to alleviate the discomfort before using the headset again. 

    My headset leaves a mark on my forehead, is this dangerous? Will it go away? Will it cause any permanent damage?

    • The mark left on your forehead is temporary, and not dangerous at all. It usually takes anywhere between 10-60 minutes for it to disappear completely.

      My headset keeps moving, what should I do?

      • If your headset keeps moving, try shifting it up higher on the forehead by 0.5cms. It could be sitting too close to your eyebrows and therefore causing it to move.
      • Your headset could be a bit too big for you, try adding some padding to the back of the band so it fits more snug with your forehead.
      • Sometimes new headsets can be too tight, and also slip up the head. Try wearing the headband throughout the day, even when you're not using it to access your computer. This will help shape it to the size of your head. 

        How do I pair my headset with the computer?

        • First, turn on your device by clicking the blue button on surface of the module.
        • You should hear two beeps and see a flashing red light, then blue light. This means the device is turned on but not connected to your computer or mobile device. On first usage, ensure that the brain link is fully charged.
        • If you ever hear four beeps in a row, that means your headset is low in battery and needs to be charged. It usually takes 90 minutes to fully charge the device. Once the red light on the device disappears, then your device is ready to go.
        • Once it is on, it is automatically in bluetooth pairing mode.
        • Open up the bluetooth settings on your computer, make sure that your bluetooth is switched on and discoverable.
        • Click on “add device” and wait for "BrainLink_Lite" to pop-up in the window, as one of the options.  When you see it, select “pair now”

          How do I know that my headset is paired with my computer?

          • Once the device has successfully paired with your computer or mobile device, then the light on your brain link should change to blue.

            What do I do if I’m having trouble pairing the headset with my computer?

            • Turn the headset off and on again, and see if "Brainlink_Lite" pops in your bluetooth devices
            • Try turning your computer's bluetooth off and on again,  and see if "Brainlink_Lite" pops in your bluetooth devices
            • You may need to restart your computer, then try to pair the headset to your computer through the bluetooth settings.

            What does it mean when my headset beeps 2 times in a row?

            • If your headset beeps two times in a row, it is telling you that it has good connection with your head, and can accurately detect your eye-blinks.

            What does it mean when my headset beeps 4 times in a row?

            • If your headset beeps four times in a row, that means it has run out of battery. You will need to charge it using the USB cable. It usually takes 90minutes to become fully charged.

            How long does the battery last?

            • About 4-6 hours.

              Do the sensors wear out?

              • Like with most wearable technology, wear and tear can occur. The biosensors on your headset will deteriorate in quality, but this will happen very gradually over the space of a couple of years. 

              How do I maintain the quality of the sensors?

              • Try your best to wipe down the sensors with a wet-wipe after every use.

              What is the bluetooth range with my headset?

              • 15 metres

                How do I return a faulty headset?

                • Before you send your headset back, please contact us to ensure that we cannot fix or talk you through the issues remotely. Once we've spoken to you we can organise a replacement for the headset

                Nous software

                  How do I install Nous software?

                  • you will request a trial version of Nous by following this link
                  • Nous only requires you to register through your email address, rather than a licence key
                  • Make sure that you have received your headset before using the Nous software, as it cannot be used without it.

                    How do I know if my headset is connected to Nous?

                    • Nous will tell you if it is connected to your headset. When you launch the Nous software, the first thing it will do is look to connect to your headset. Once it has connected and it has good signal with your head, you will see this screen 


                    What do I do if my headset shows that it’s connected to Nous, but is not responding?

                    • Hopefully this doesn’t happen, but if it does, try turning your headset off and on again, and click the “try connect” button.
                    • The sensors may not be able to pick up on a clear signal from your head, try wiping the sensors and the skin on your forehead with a wet-wipe to improve the connection.
                    • If neither of these options work, then you will need to turn off the headset, close out of Nous. Then turn on the headset and launch Nous once again.

                      What do I do if Nous freezes/is unresponsive?

                      • Try force closing Nous through the Windows Task Manager.
                      • Try restarting your computer and relaunching Nous.

                      How do I change the position of the menu tab?

                      • Changing the position of the menu tab is easy, and may be useful if it is overlapping an important part of your screen. Simply click on the tab to open the Nous menu. At the bottom of the menu you will see these images , click on the option which shifts the menu tab to your preferred position, then click on the actual menu tab to make the change.


                      Do I need to install 3rd party software before installing Nous?

                      • This is not required - Nous can interact with anything on your PC that responds to a keyboard press or a mouse button click.
                      • However, if you install one of the supported 3rd party software applications (such as Grid 3), Nous will be pre-configured to work with it. 

                        Can I use other switch access methods simultaneously with Nous?

                        • Yes, you just need to assign the action of the other switch access methods within your AAC software settings.

                          How do I change the sounds in Nous?

                          • there is currently no option to do this

                          How do I know what AAC software is compatible with Nous?

                          • Nous is currently compatible with Grid 3, Communicator 5, NuVoice, Compass, Clicker 6-8, Snap + Core and the Windows OS on-screen keyboard.
                          • If you want to use Nous with another AAC system, then you can take advantage of the Custom Software option and link to your AAC using keyboard press emulation.
                          • If you would like us to integrate with other software applications, please email us at, we would love to learn about what other applications would be useful to you. Please note, Nous currently only works on Windows OS.

                          How do I uninstall Nous?

                          • Uninstalling Nous is identical to uninstalling other windows software applications on your device.

                            How much space do I need on my computer?

                            • You will need about 200MB for Nous to run effectively and efficiently.

                              What happens with my data?

                              • Nous records several types of data in the background while you use it to help us provide you with the best possible experience.
                              • This data may include signal data from the headset you use, errors and warning presented to you during use and general in-application activity information.
                              • We may use this data to resolve issues should you experience any and to generally create new or improve existing functionality in our products

                              Where will my data be stored?

                              • Your data will be stored on your device and also securely stored on our cloud servers. Unless you give us permission, no one will have access to the data stored on your device or in the cloud.

                              For further information on our privacy policies click here.

                                What actions can my blinks perform?

                                • The actions that your blinks perform are controlled in the settings of the 3rd party software, under the switch-scanning settings.

                                How can I change the scanning interval?

                                • The scanning interval is controlled in the settings of the 3rd party software, under the switch-scanning settings.

                                What happens if I keep making incorrect selections?

                                • If you keep making incorrect selections, it might mean that the calibration setting is not quite right.You can either recalibrate Nous or make a manual adjustment to the calibration results.
                                • To recalibrate, open up the Nous menu by clicking on the menu tab. Then click on calibration, re-calibration. You will run through the same procedure you went through when you first launched Nous.
                                • To make an adjustment to calibration, open up the Nous menu by clicking on the menu tab. Then click on calibration and adjust the Blink Threshold value. Higher value means Nous will be less sensitive (or more strict), lower value means more sensitive (or easier to activate).

                                What happens if I can’t make any selections?

                                • If can’t make any selections, it might mean that the calibration setting is not quite right.
                                • To recalibrate, open up the Nous menu by clicking on the menu tab. Then click on calibration, re-calibration. You will run through the same procedure you went through when you first launched Nous.
                                • To make an adjustment to calibration, open up the Nous menu by clicking on the menu tab. Then click on calibration and adjust the Blink Threshold value. Higher value means Nous will be less sensitive (or more strict), lower value means more sensitive (or easier to activate).

                                  How do I switch between the blink select auto-scanner and blink-switch dwell to select?

                                  • The actions that your blinks perform are controlled in the settings of the 3rd party software, under the switch-scanning settings.


                                    Why do I need to calibrate?

                                    • Everyone’s blinks are different. In fact, on any given time or day, even your own blinks will vary. We need to understand what your “blink signal” looks like before you start using Nous. This will ensure that you get the most accurate experience when using blinks to control the software.

                                      What is a natural blink?

                                      • A natural blink is the type of blink you do involuntarily on an everyday basis. It’s soft, and you’re often not aware that you’re doing it unless your attention is drawn to it.

                                        What is an intentional or purposeful blink?

                                        • An intentional or purposeful blink is done voluntarily and is faster and harder than a natural blink, but not so hard that your forehead moves or that you need to frown.

                                          What is the difference between a natural and an intentional/purposeful blink?

                                          • We use intentional/purposeful blinks as a method of computer control. To do this we need to understand what your natural blink level is and what your intentional/purposeful blink level is. This enables us to only use intentional/purposeful blinks to interact with your device, and ignore your natural blinks. This way, you can still blink comfortably.

                                          What is the bio-signal Nous uses?

                                          • Electrooculography or EOG is a technique for measuring the corner-retinal standing potential that exists between the front and the back of the eye.
                                          • Measurement of eye movements is done by placing sensors either above or below the eye or to the left and the right of the eye.
                                          • With your current device, we’re measuring the EOG signal produced when you blink. That’s why the sensor is placed on your forehead. If you blink then the signal is much stronger than just winking, so make sure that when you’re using Nous, to blink using both of your eyes.

                                          Can this version of nous use my forehead movements and eyebrow movements as access methods? 

                                          • Although this is possible, we purposely ignore the signals produced from muscle movement (electromyography or EMG) i.e. forehead and eyebrow movement. This is because our customers may unintentionally move these muscles. If we allowed Nous to detect these signals it may make it unreliable and difficult to use. 

                                            Why do we collect data on people's blinking?

                                            • The more information we collect based on your blinking, the better we can understand what the signal looks like for your intentional blinks. This means that our system will be much more reliable for you.

                                              What happens if my blinks aren’t calibrated properly?

                                              • Sometimes the calibration process can estimate a blink threshold that is too low, which could cause your natural blinks to be confused with intentional blinks. This will cause what we call “false positives”, or incorrect selections that were unintentional
                                              • Sometimes the calibration process can estimate a blink threshold that is too high, which means that your intentional blinks that you wish to use to select options on the computer are not detected. This will cause was we call “false negatives”, where you issue an intentional blink but due to the signal being smaller than the threshold, Nous cannot detect it as a control to select options on the computer screen.

                                                How do I recalibrate?

                                                • In the Nous menu you can see a button for calibration. When you click on this button, you will be given the option to go through the calibration process again. This process will then recalibrate your blink threshold.

                                                  Can Nous re-calibrate automatically?

                                                  • This is a work in process, and one of the reasons why it’s important for us to collect as much data as possible. We anticipate that an automatic re-calibration process will be made available in the next couple of years. Watch this space!

                                                  Can Nous be used by people who's intentional blinks are softer/weaker than their natural blinks?

                                                  • Yes! When you go through blink calibration, Nous will be able to detect the difference between your natural and intentional blinks, and set a blink threshold range according to your blink behaviour. This means that it will work whether your intentional blinks are softer or harder than your natural ones.

                                                    Software integration

                                                    What are different AAC software that we integrate with?

                                                    • Nous integrates with existing AAC software. Currently, we integrate with the most widely used windows-based AAC software:
                                                      • Smartbox, Grid 3
                                                      • Tobii Dynavox, Communicator 5 and Snap+Core
                                                      • PRC, NuVoice
                                                      • Crick Software, Clicker
                                                    • Nous also works out of the box, with the Windows on-screen keyboard.

                                                    What keystroke do I assign to use Nous with Grid 3? 

                                                    • F2

                                                    What keystroke do I assign to use Nous with Communicator 5?

                                                    • F2

                                                    What keystroke do I assign to use Nous with Nuvoice? 

                                                    • Left Shift

                                                    What keystroke do I assign to use Nous with Snap + Core?

                                                    • Space

                                                    What keystroke do I assign to use Nous with Clicker 7?

                                                    • F7

                                                     What if I want to use Nous to interface with other software?

                                                    • We have a "Custom Software" option that enables you to use nous with any keyboard activated game or application, such as switch training games featured in HelpKidzLearn and the Judy Lynn website.

                                                      To use this option, you will need to know which keystroke is used by the application to connect to switch interfaces. Information on keystrokes should be provided in the support documents that come with their software or on their website. 

                                                      Once the keystroke is known, you can select the “custom keystroke” option out of the options in the “select software” window. This should open a window that will ask you to press the key you wish nous to connect with, to access your application. 

                                                    • We’re still learning about other useful software applications that our customers may want to use with Nous. If there are any other windows-based software applications that you would like to connect with, please let us know by emailing

                                                      What happens with software integration during a trial?

                                                      • Usually your therapist(s) would have had a think about which software they would like you to try with Nous. Some of these applications are freely available, while others also have 30-60 day trials. This means that your free trial with Nous will last for the duration of the trial of these other applications.

                                                        What happens if Nous cannot connect to my AAC?

                                                        • Make sure your AAC has been installed correctly
                                                        • The software you’re wanting to connect to may not be supported by Nous. Please check our list of supported third party software

                                                          What happens if Nous cannot find my AAC?

                                                          • Make sure that your preferred AAC is installed
                                                          • Make sure that your preferred AAC is one that can be used with Nous 3rd party integration

                                                            When my communication app opens, Nous disappears. What do I do?

                                                            • This is because the Nous menu transforms into a small tab on the left hand side of your screen (see image below) when you launch your communication app. We have designed this so that Nous is not obtrusive to your ability to navigate your communication app, and you can communicate and use the the communication app functions without any obstructions or distractions. 
                                                            • If you click on the Nous tab, it will open up the menu, and you will see the options shown in the image below. 

                                                            Trials and loans

                                                            Loan of trial are available globally - please get in touch with us to discuss your situation.

                                                            For other locations please check with our international partners.

                                                            If you are interested in partnering with us to enable trials for your clients, please contact us by emailing

                                                            What do I have access to during a trial?

                                                            • a trial version of Nous software
                                                            • you will also need to have access to 3rd party AAC software. Currently, we integrate with the most widely used windows-based AAC software:
                                                              • Smartbox, Grid 3
                                                              • Tobii Dynavox, Communicator 5 
                                                              • Tobii Dynavox, Snap+Core
                                                              • PRC, NuVoice
                                                              • Crick Software, Clicker
                                                              • Windows On-screen keyboard
                                                              • We’re still learning about other useful software applications that our customers may want to use with Nous. If there are any other windows-based software applications that you would like to connect with, please let us know by emailing
                                                              • A blink-detection headset. When you sign up, we will post you your headset. Nous will not be usable unless you have a headset available.

                                                                How do I return a headset if I don’t want to purchase Nous after a trial?

                                                                • Please email us at or organise the return of your trial headset.

                                                                  What is the benefit of a trial?

                                                                  • A trial will enable you to try out Nous, to understand whether it will benefit you. Sometimes it’s hard to gauge how well a given technology works for you and your support network, so a trial will give you a no-obligation chance to see the pros and cons of Nous for you!

                                                                    How long is a trial?

                                                                    • We offer a free 30 day trial, as our user-testing has shown that this is a suitable amount of time for people to test and learn to use Nous.   

                                                                      Can I extend my trial?

                                                                      • If you have experienced any difficulties or have not been able to spend as much time using Nous to commit to a purchase, please email us at and we will see what we can do to extend your trial period.